Regulated cooperation at KIT
More than 9,300 employees at KIT give their best for research, teaching, and innovation every day. In the process, different personalities, opinions, and ways of working meet. As a rule, an added value for all participants results from the discussion of the different views. For constructive cooperation, KIT provides a framework for order and action, which is reflected, among other things, in the following regulations.

Mission from the umbrella strategy KIT 2025

"... Our togetherness and leadership culture are characterized by mutual respect, cooperation, trust, and subsidiarity. An inspiring work environment and cultural diversity shape and enrich life and work at KIT..."

KIT Mission Statement

"... The cooperation of KIT members is characterized by mutual respect and trust. The performance of the individual is appreciated. KIT offers its employees and students equal opportunities and conditions without regard to the person. Family friendliness is an important goal for KIT as an employer. KIT supports the compatibility of work, studies, and family. Thus, the management culture of KIT is also characterized by respect and cooperation as a whole. Personal responsibility and self-motivation of KIT's relatives and members are promoted by transparent and participatory decisions, open communication, as well as diverse offers for lifelong learning..."

Code of Conduct of KIT

"... The cooperation at KIT is based on respect, appreciation, and recognition and is oriented towards a trusting cooperation. Together, the members and relatives work by their behavior towards a trusting interaction that is free of discrimination, intolerance, and offensive behavior..."

KIT Ethical Principles Guidelines

"... We achieve our partnership-based and trusting interaction with each other as the basis of KIT's culture through

- Honesty, sincerity and truthfulness in our dealings with each other,

- Respect, recognition of equality and tolerance regardless of position, origin, religion, gender and other forms of diversity

- to promote the personal and professional development of all KIT members and associates for the present and future tasks inside and outside KIT, and

- the participation of students and employees in decision-making and design processes at KIT.

We are aware that differences of opinion and conflicts are part of togetherness. Since the ranking of values does not have to be the same for all members of KIT, conflicts of values cannot be excluded from the outset. If these cannot be resolved among the parties themselves, they are to be discussed with the involvement of a mediator between the parties with the aim of finding ways out or a compromise..."