Conflict Management

Conflicts are natural and unavoidable, even in professional life. As has been proven in various studies, costs amounting to several billion euros are incurred annually in the economy as well as in public institutions as a result of employee absenteeism due to unresolved conflicts. A considerable amount of working time is then tied up by conflicts; for managers, this is up to 40 percent. Unresolved conflicts lead to losses in productivity and scientific creativity, and they damage the health of everyone involved. Not infrequently, they lead to negative publicity and even damage to the company's reputation. For the benefit of the employees and for a constructive cooperation, KIT provides many possibilities to get advice and support in conflict situations.

All internal institutions and contact persons who make such offers form the KIT Conflict Management Network and are thus an essential element of the integrated conflict management system. The success factor of the system is the interlocking of the advisory bodies in order to strengthen their competences and their effectiveness and thus to optimally support employees in dealing with conflicts.

This system is coordinated by the KMB staff unit and further developed as needed. The aim is to contribute to a positive working, studying and research environment.