Silence in Karlsruhe - Silence at KIT

Also this year, KIT participates in the "Week of Silence" from 3.11. to 10.11.2024 in Karlsruhe ( Silence belongs to being human and can connect us in a different way than words. In today's mobile and diverse world, people are increasingly looking for places and times of silence - even in their everyday working lives.

With offers of deceleration and mindfulness, KIT would like to contribute to creating a working atmosphere of appreciation, cooperation, and trust. This benefits all employees as well as research, teaching, and innovation.

We are very pleased that the Presidium supports the Week of Silence. Provided that the offers do not interfere with your work processes and that these are coordinated with your superiors, you can make use of the KIT offers during your working hours during the week of action.

Events of the Week of Silence at KIT in German



